It is true that capacitors can have nonlinear effects.
In most cases, the design is such that these effects are
vary small and only in cases where the capacitor is used
as a filter parameter that has a sharp cut off, does
this have measurable effects. This means that blindly
replacing all the capacitors is just plain silly.
Speaker wire is another interesting one. All wire
has impedance ( DC and AC effects ). No wire will ever
be the right impedance for an 8 Ohm speaker. Different
speakers are effected differently by the speaker wire.
I've done some AB test with wire and for at least two
speakers, I looked at. I could hear no difference between
6 feet of 12 ga. appliance cord and woven special speaker
wire. I doubt my hearing is good enough today to repeat
such test but at the time my heard was better than average,
being able to clearly hear TV horizontal outputs from any
TV across the room.
>From: "Geoffrey Thomas" <geoffreythomas_at_onetel.com>
>Electronics World ran a series of articles called " capacitor sound " from
>July 2002.
>-Discussing how capacitor construction can affect the sound of a hi-fi amp.
>The author , Cyril Bateman , also did a few articles on loudspeaker cable
>sound , but I can't find those at the moment.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Vintage Computer Festival" <vcf_at_siconic.com>
>To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
>Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 10:31 PM
>Subject: RE: Speaking of eBay
>> On Wed, 29 Dec 2004, Tom Jennings wrote:
>> > I'll believe anything with sufficient evidence, but solder alloys
>> > in a solder joint sounds like total crap to me -- unless I had
>> > a lot of rolls to offload on fools with more money than I ... :-)
>> That's the thing mainly with these crazy audiophiles. Except for the two
>> examples you bring up, which seems like they have a technical basis to the
>> theory, most of it is just voodoo hocum that doesn't have any underlying
>> technical or scientific basis. One loon comes up with a wacko theory and
>> then it propagates until everyone is demanding special-alloy solder. Why?
>> They don't know, and they don't care. Some guy said it makes the
>> electrons happy so they have to get some too. It's completely naive.
>> I want to see technical treatises explaining WHY, with scientifically
>> executed experiments backed up with empirical data, before I believe any
>> of this nonsense. I think these audio guys ought to demand the same.
>> They might save a few bucks.
>> --
>> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> International Man of Intrigue and Danger
>> [ Old computing resources for business || Buy/Sell/Trade Vintage
>mputers ]
>> [ and academia at www.VintageTech.com || at
>http://marketplace.vintage.org ]
>> --
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