On Jan 5 2005, 14:27, Fred Cisin wrote:
> > > In the case of DOS 6.22, the message "Cannot do binary reads from
> > > device" is at offset 970F in COMMAND.COM
> On Tue, 4 Jan 2005, Tom Jennings wrote:
> > Sheesh, it only took them 10 years to declare it impossible and
> > test for the error.
> Well, ...
> in DOS 4.00, it is at offset 7CCC. It may have been there since
Dunno, I don't have quite such old versions :-) My old copy of "The
MS-DOS Bible" says "every version" -- it means 3.30 and older --
disallows binary reads from devices. The same message is at 5254 in
MS-DOS 3.30 (ditto in PC-DOS 3.30), at 4CA0 in 3.21, and 4CCC in
IBM-DOS 4.01 (from a Compaq). I can't read my MS-DOS 2.10 and 2.11
disks on the hardware I have here. "Binary reads from a device are not
allowed" is the message at 8753 in DR-DOS 3.41.
All the ones that I could boot (ie all but 2.10/2.11) print the message
and then exit when you try COPY /B CON: dummy .
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Wed Jan 05 2005 - 17:34:30 GMT