Bob Supnik declared on Tuesday 04 January 2005 09:09 am:
> I've finished, and am debugging, a VAX-11/780 simulator, with the goal
> of running VMS V1, early BSD releases, and other 'first VAX' code.
> There are a couple of critical missing pieces. In particular, I need
> 1) 780 PROM bootstrap contents. This was the 4KB of PROM located in
> the MS780 memory controllers. A binary dump would be sufficient, the
> simulator can dissassemble VAX code.
> 2) LSI11 console PROM contents. The LSI11 console ran out of a boot
> PROM. This is less critical but would help with understanding the
> fine details of the console-CPU interaction. Again, a binary dump
> suffices.
I've most likely got copies of these in my /780. Sometime I need to get
back around to fixing that machine (IIRC, the CIB is probably broken, as
I can't see the registers and PROM on it from the LSI11). Hopefully
that's something simple that's broken (and is easily replacable) like
bus buffer chips or something. But, I digress. I'll go and grab the
cards out of the machine in a few minutes, and hook up the EPROM burner
tomorrow to read them.
> 3) VMS V1 floppy kit. While early tape distributions have
> been found, the console floppies have not. The most critical ones are
> the tape restore program and the system bootstrap (VMB). Getting a
> 780 online required
I should have copies of these, but I don't know if I can get them read
Purdue University ITAP/RCS ---
The Computer Refuge ---
Received on Wed Jan 05 2005 - 22:41:33 GMT