Reading Atari 800 floppies?

From: Ram Meenakshisundaram <RMeenaks_at_OLF.COM>
Date: Thu Jan 13 14:48:12 2005

Havent tried this, but:



-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Hudson []
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 3:42 PM
To: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Reading Atari 800 floppies?

Anybody know if it's possible to read old Atari 8-bit 5.25" floppies
with some sort of PC-based software?

I used to develop software for the Ataris and some co-workers just
dredged up some floppies with source code from projects I did for Atari
that were never released. We're trying to dig up a functional 800
system to read them but it would save a lot of hassle if it was possible
to read them directly into a PC, where we have a good emulator.


Thomas Hudson -- 5th District Aldermanic Website -- Electric Vehicles, Solar Power & More -- Port Washington Garden Club -- Light Station Restoration -- Animation Projects
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Received on Thu Jan 13 2005 - 14:48:12 GMT

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