On Thu, 13 Jan 2005, Tom Jennings wrote:
> > --- John Foust <jfoust_at_threedee.com> wrote:
> >> "The museum will be closed to the public beginning January 15, 2005
> >> due to a lack of funding. We regret any inconvenience this may cause.
> >> For further information or to help financially, call David Weil
> >> at (619) 464-8220 or email dweil_at_computer-museum.org".
> I hate to drool over the corpse, but they've allegedly got LGP-21
> paper tapes and such "somewhere in the warehouse", no time or
> resources to locate it...
> This would be the only extant copy of LGP-21 software in the
> world. I would really like a copy (emphasis on copy). Any ideas?
> Seems rude to ask David about this at this point.
The message does not say the museum is closing and disbanding, but only
closing to the general public. This would imply to me that, at least for
a short while, they are still allowing researchers. Unless, of course,
they worded the announcement improperly, because the latter part of the
message certainly does imply they are in distress.
At any rate, I would suggest you contact David and ask him if it'd be
possible to access the tapes. Don't ask it in such a way that implies
you're afraid it's now or never. Just say you're interested in getting it
for research purposes (which is true).
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Received on Fri Jan 14 2005 - 10:07:47 GMT