4 floppy disk drives on a PC?

From: Jim Leonard <trixter_at_oldskool.org>
Date: Wed Jan 19 19:50:56 2005

Fred Cisin wrote:
> blank, new, used,...
> In XP, it gave an "unrecognized switch/option" type message for
> ALL of the possible ways to format a 720K EXCEPT "/T:80 /N:9"
> When formatting from the "desktop", the only choice for disk type was 1.4

I concur. Although XP claims to support /f:720, it does not actually work!
You have to use /t:80 /n:9 to format DSDD 3.5" disks in XP. Lovely.
Jim Leonard (trixter_at_oldskool.org)                    http://www.oldskool.org/
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Received on Wed Jan 19 2005 - 19:50:56 GMT

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