What the heck is XP? (not the Microsoft kind)

From: Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk_at_yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Fri Jan 28 14:31:35 2005

On Fri, 2005-01-28 at 11:40 -0600, Kapteyn, Rob wrote:
> I think that you may be looking at the boot code for Tektronix X terminals.
> Don't delete it -- I have a nice old Tektronix XP14 terminal that powers up and self-tests,
> but I can't find the code to make it run X windows.

Aha, sounds like that it. Actually all of this is under /usr/lib/X11/XP
on my xd88, but there's also an XP20 directory under /tftpboot
containing various stuff. Presumably the latter is enough of a bootstrap
for the X Terminals to boot and start downloading all the bits they need
from the XP directory.

I think the stuff under /tftpboot was around 2MB, and the XP tree was
about 15MB (I'm happy to upload that somewhere, but it's too big to
email and I can only host about 10MB on the webspace I have at present)

> That code is loaded from a server with tftp (could be a Mac or linux box)

that's interesting; it looks to be outside of the tfp server tree on
this machine...

> Tektronix sold their code to NCD and now NCD in closing shop.

yep; I've got an 88k-based NCD xterm and it took me forever to hunt down
the necessary boot files for that last time I needed them. I've made
sure I have a couple of local copies now :)


Received on Fri Jan 28 2005 - 14:31:35 GMT

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