> Now I wouldn't mind a real colorbar generator, but a
>algorithmically-generated MPEG would be adequate for non-broadcast
>use, surely.
>Does anyone know of the existence of such a thing? Theoretically, one
>could perhaps generate a "proper" still image from a program like
>GIMP/Paint/Photoshop, etc... then use a movie tool to generate
>'frames' from it, then make an MPEG to play the image as long as one
>would like (a VCD or SVCD is around 45 min on a CD-R blank) -
>presto... el-cheapo color bars.
I know there are DVD test discs out there that have test patterns on them.
This would actually be fairly trivial for me to whip up on my computer. I
just did a quick google search and the first hit had a downloadable GIF
of the standard color bar pattern. I could toss a 1 MHz tone (IIRC that
is the right freq, I'll have to look it up to be sure) in the background,
and loop it in Quicktime, then output to VCD.
If you really want one, let me know, I can build you a VCD this weekend
and mail you a copy.
Received on Fri Jan 28 2005 - 22:41:33 GMT