It sounds like an:
SC02/A Q Emulex SMD disk controller. Emulates Digital
RP11/RP02/RP03. Includes BDV11-compatible
line-time clock.
Is it a dual or quad board?
At 10:05 AM 1/29/2005 -0800, Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
>What is this board?
>Made by Emulex. Has ASSY# SU0210401. ROM on board says "SC0210201-AXC W/
>Boot Strap".
>Has on top two 26-pin connectors and one 60-pin.
>"Ditronics-I" silk-screened on board in tiny letters.
>Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
>International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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Received on Sat Jan 29 2005 - 12:22:41 GMT