#include "/lib/h/stdio.h" #include "/lib/h/types.h" #include "/lib/h/nstat.h" #include "/lib/h/dir.h" #include "/lib/h/signal.h" char *sprintf(); char *strcat(); daddr_t bsrch(); long filsiz(); #define TBLOCK 512 #define TBLOCKF 511 /* Stupid compiler doesn't compile-time compute */ #define NBLOCK 20 #define NAMSIZ 100 #define FILSIZ 65536 /* v6 2-part file size math */ union hblock { char dummy[TBLOCK]; struct header { char name[NAMSIZ]; char mode[8]; char uid[8]; char gid[8]; char size[12]; char mtime[12]; char chksum[8]; char linkflag; char linkname[NAMSIZ]; } dbuf; } dblock, tbuf[NBLOCK]; struct linkbuf { ino_t inum; dev_t devnum; int count; char pathname[NAMSIZ]; struct linkbuf *nextp; } *ihead; struct stat stbuf; int dflag, rflag, xflag, vflag, tflag, mt, cflag, mflag; int term, chksum, wflag, recno, first, linkerrok; int freemem = 1; int nblock = 1; daddr_t low; daddr_t high; FILE *tfile; char tname[] = "/tmp/tarXXXXXX"; char *usefile; char magtape[] = "/dev/mt1"; char *malloc(); main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char *cp; int onintr(), onquit(), onhup() /* onterm() */; if (argc < 2) usage(); tfile = NULL; usefile = magtape; argv[argc] = 0; argv++; for (cp = *argv++; *cp; cp++) switch(*cp) { case 'd': dflag++; break; case 'f': usefile = *argv++; if (nblock == 1) nblock = 0; break; case 'c': cflag++; rflag++; break; case 'u': mktemp(tname); if ((tfile = fopen(tname, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Tar: cannot create temporary file (%s)\n", tname); done(1); } fprintf(tfile, "!!!!!/!/!/!/!/!/!/! 000\n"); /* FALL THROUGH */ case 'r': rflag++; if (nblock != 1 && cflag == 0) { noupdate: fprintf(stderr, "Tar: Blocked tapes cannot be updated (yet)\n"); done(1); } break; case 'v': vflag++; break; case 'w': wflag++; break; case 'x': xflag++; break; case 't': tflag++; break; case 'm': mflag++; break; case '-': break; case '0': case '1': magtape[7] = *cp; usefile = magtape; break; case 'b': nblock = atoi(*argv++); if (nblock > NBLOCK || nblock <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid blocksize. (Max %d)\n", NBLOCK); done(1); } if (rflag && !cflag) goto noupdate; break; case 'l': linkerrok++; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "tar: %c: unknown option\n", *cp); usage(); } if (rflag) { if (cflag && tfile != NULL) { usage(); done(1); } if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGINT, onintr); if (signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGHUP, onhup); if (signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGQUIT, onquit); /* if (signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGTERM, onterm); */ if (strcmp(usefile, "-") == 0) { if (cflag == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Can only create standard output archives\n"); done(1); } mt = dup(1); nblock = 1; } else if ((mt = open(usefile, 2)) < 0) { if (cflag == 0 || (mt = creat(usefile, 0666)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tar: cannot open %s\n", usefile); done(1); } } if (cflag == 0 && nblock == 0) nblock = 1; dorep(argv); } else if (xflag) { if (strcmp(usefile, "-") == 0) { mt = dup(0); nblock = 1; } else if ((mt = open(usefile, 0)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tar: cannot open %s\n", usefile); done(1); } doxtract(argv); } else if (tflag) { if (strcmp(usefile, "-") == 0) { mt = dup(0); nblock = 1; } else if ((mt = open(usefile, 0)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tar: cannot open %s\n", usefile); done(1); } dotable(); } else usage(); done(0); } usage() { fprintf(stderr, "tar: usage tar -{txru}[cvfblm] [tapefile] [blocksize] file1 file2...\n"); done(1); } dorep(argv) char *argv[]; { register char *cp, *cp2; char wdir[60]; if (!cflag) { getdir(); do { passtape(); if (term) done(0); getdir(); } while (!endtape()); if (tfile != NULL) { char buf[200]; strcat(buf, "sort +0 -1 +1nr "); strcat(buf, tname); strcat(buf, " -o "); strcat(buf, tname); sprintf(buf, "sort +0 -1 +1nr %s -o %s; awk '$1 != prev {print; prev=$1}' %s >%sX;mv %sX %s", tname, tname, tname, tname, tname, tname); fflush(tfile); system(buf); freopen(tname, "r", tfile); fstat(fileno(tfile), &stbuf); high = filsiz(&stbuf); } } getwdir(wdir); while (*argv && ! term) { cp2 = *argv; for (cp = *argv; *cp; cp++) if (*cp == '/') cp2 = cp; if (cp2 != *argv) { *cp2 = '\0'; chdir(*argv); *cp2 = '/'; cp2++; } putfile(*argv++, cp2); chdir(wdir); } putempty(); putempty(); flushtape(); if (linkerrok == 1) for (; ihead != NULL; ihead = ihead->nextp) if (ihead->count != 0) fprintf(stderr, "Missing links to %s\n", ihead->pathname); } endtape() { if (dblock.dbuf.name[0] == '\0') { backtape(); return(1); } else return(0); } getdir() { register struct stat *sp; long size; int i; readtape( (char *) &dblock); if (dblock.dbuf.name[0] == '\0') return; sp = &stbuf; sscanf(dblock.dbuf.mode, "%o", &i); sp->st_mode = i; sscanf(dblock.dbuf.uid, "%o", &i); sp->st_uid = i; sscanf(dblock.dbuf.gid, "%o", &i); sp->st_gid = i; sscanf(dblock.dbuf.size, "%lo", &size); sp->st_size0 = (size / FILSIZ); sp->st_size1 = (size & (FILSIZ - 1)); sscanf(dblock.dbuf.mtime, "%lo", &sp->st_mtime); sscanf(dblock.dbuf.chksum, "%o", &chksum); if (chksum != checksum()) { fprintf(stderr, "directory checksum error\n"); done(2); } if (tfile != NULL) fprintf(tfile, "%s %s\n", dblock.dbuf.name, dblock.dbuf.mtime); } passtape() { long blocks; char buf[TBLOCK]; if (dblock.dbuf.linkflag == '1') return; blocks = filsiz(&stbuf); blocks += TBLOCKF; blocks /= TBLOCK; while (blocks-- > 0) readtape(buf); } putfile(longname, shortname) char *longname; char *shortname; { int infile; long blocks; char buf[TBLOCK]; register char *cp, *cp2; struct direct dbuf; int i, j; infile = open(shortname, 0); if (infile < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tar: %s: cannot open file\n", longname); return; } fstat(infile, &stbuf); if (tfile != NULL && checkupdate(longname) == 0) { close(infile); return; } if (checkw('r', longname) == 0) { close(infile); return; } if ((stbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) { for (i = 0, cp = buf; *cp++ = longname[i++];); *--cp = '/'; cp++; i = 0; chdir(shortname); while (read(infile, (char *)&dbuf, sizeof(dbuf)) > 0 && !term) { if (dbuf.d_ino == 0) { i++; continue; } if (strcmp(".", dbuf.d_name) == 0 || strcmp("..", dbuf.d_name) == 0) { i++; continue; } cp2 = cp; for (j=0; j < DIRSIZ; j++) *cp2++ = dbuf.d_name[j]; *cp2 = '\0'; close(infile); putfile(buf, cp); infile = open(".", 0); i++; lseek(infile, (long) (sizeof(dbuf) * i), 0); } close(infile); chdir(".."); return; } if ((stbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG) { fprintf(stderr, "tar: %s is not a file. Not dumped\n", longname); return; } tomodes(&stbuf); cp2 = longname; for (cp = dblock.dbuf.name, i=0; (*cp++ = *cp2++) && i < NAMSIZ; i++); if (i >= NAMSIZ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: file name too long\n", longname); close(infile); return; } if (stbuf.st_nlink > 1) { struct linkbuf *lp; int found = 0; for (lp = ihead; lp != NULL; lp = lp->nextp) { if (lp->inum == stbuf.st_ino && lp->devnum == stbuf.st_dev) { found++; break; } } if (found) { strcpy(dblock.dbuf.linkname, lp->pathname); dblock.dbuf.linkflag = '1'; sprintf(dblock.dbuf.chksum, "%6o", checksum()); writetape( (char *) &dblock); if (vflag) { fprintf(stderr, "a %s ", longname); fprintf(stderr, "link to %s\n", lp->pathname); } lp->count--; close(infile); return; } else { lp = (struct linkbuf *) malloc(sizeof(*lp)); if (lp == NULL) { if (freemem) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory. Link information lost\n"); freemem = 0; } } else { lp->nextp = ihead; ihead = lp; lp->inum = stbuf.st_ino; lp->devnum = stbuf.st_dev; lp->count = stbuf.st_nlink - 1; strcpy(lp->pathname, longname); } } } blocks = (filsiz(&stbuf) + TBLOCKF) / TBLOCK; if (vflag) { fprintf(stderr, "a %s ", longname); fprintf(stderr, "%ld blocks\n", blocks); } sprintf(dblock.dbuf.chksum, "%6o", checksum()); writetape( (char *) &dblock); while ((i = read(infile, buf, TBLOCK)) > 0 && blocks > 0) { writetape(buf); blocks--; } close(infile); if (blocks != 0 || i != 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s: file changed size\n", longname); while (blocks-- > 0) putempty(); } doxtract(argv) char *argv[]; { long blocks, bytes; char buf[TBLOCK]; char **cp; int ofile; for (;;) { getdir(); if (endtape()) break; if (*argv == 0) goto gotit; for (cp = argv; *cp; cp++) if (prefix(*cp, dblock.dbuf.name)) goto gotit; passtape(); continue; gotit: if (checkw('x', dblock.dbuf.name) == 0) { passtape(); continue; } checkdir(dblock.dbuf.name); if (dblock.dbuf.linkflag == '1') { unlink(dblock.dbuf.name); if (link(dblock.dbuf.linkname, dblock.dbuf.name) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot link\n", dblock.dbuf.name); continue; } if (vflag) fprintf(stderr, "%s linked to %s\n", dblock.dbuf.name, dblock.dbuf.linkname); continue; } if ((ofile = creat(dblock.dbuf.name, stbuf.st_mode & 07777)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tar: %s - cannot create\n", dblock.dbuf.name); passtape(); continue; } chown7(dblock.dbuf.name, stbuf.st_uid, stbuf.st_gid); blocks = ((bytes = filsiz(&stbuf)) + TBLOCKF)/TBLOCK; if (vflag) fprintf(stderr, "x %s, %ld bytes, %ld tape blocks\n", dblock.dbuf.name, bytes, blocks); while (blocks-- > 0) { readtape(buf); if (bytes > TBLOCK) { if (write(ofile, buf, TBLOCK) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tar: %s: HELP - extract block write error\n", dblock.dbuf.name); done(2); } } else if (write(ofile, buf, (int) bytes) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tar: %s: HELP - extract tail write error\n", dblock.dbuf.name); done(2); } bytes -= TBLOCK; } close(ofile); if (mflag == 0) { /* time_t timep[2]; timep[0] = time(NULL); timep[1] = stbuf.st_mtime; utime(dblock.dbuf.name, timep); */ mdate(dblock.dbuf.name, &stbuf.st_mtime); } } } dotable() { for (;;) { getdir(); if (endtape()) break; if (vflag) longt(&stbuf); printf("%s", dblock.dbuf.name); if (dblock.dbuf.linkflag == '1') printf(" linked to %s", dblock.dbuf.linkname); printf("\n"); passtape(); } } putempty() { char buf[TBLOCK]; char *cp; for (cp = buf; cp < &buf[TBLOCK]; ) *cp++ = '\0'; writetape(buf); } longt(st) register struct stat *st; { register char *cp; char *ctime(); pmode(st); printf("%3d/%1d", st->st_uid, st->st_gid); printf("%7D", filsiz(st)); cp = ctime(&st->st_mtime); printf(" %-12.12s %-4.4s ", cp+4, cp+20); } #define SUID 04000 #define SGID 02000 #define ROWN 0400 #define WOWN 0200 #define XOWN 0100 #define RGRP 040 #define WGRP 020 #define XGRP 010 #define ROTH 04 #define WOTH 02 #define XOTH 01 #define STXT 01000 int m1[] = { 1, ROWN, 'r', '-' }; int m2[] = { 1, WOWN, 'w', '-' }; int m3[] = { 2, SUID, 's', XOWN, 'x', '-' }; int m4[] = { 1, RGRP, 'r', '-' }; int m5[] = { 1, WGRP, 'w', '-' }; int m6[] = { 2, SGID, 's', XGRP, 'x', '-' }; int m7[] = { 1, ROTH, 'r', '-' }; int m8[] = { 1, WOTH, 'w', '-' }; int m9[] = { 2, STXT, 't', XOTH, 'x', '-' }; int *m[] = { m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9}; pmode(st) register struct stat *st; { register int **mp; for (mp = &m[0]; mp < &m[9];) select(*mp++, st); } select(pairp, st) int *pairp; struct stat *st; { register int n, *ap; ap = pairp; n = *ap++; while (--n>=0 && (st->st_mode&*ap++)==0) ap++; printf("%c", *ap); } checkdir(name) register char *name; { register char *cp; int i; for (cp = name; *cp; cp++) { if (*cp == '/') { *cp = '\0'; if (access(name, 01) < 0) { if (fork() == 0) { execl("/bin/mkdir", "mkdir", name, 0); execl("/usr/bin/mkdir", "mkdir", name, 0); fprintf(stderr, "tar: cannot find mkdir!\n"); done(0); } while (wait(&i) >= 0); chown7(name, stbuf.st_uid, stbuf.st_gid); } *cp = '/'; } } } onintr() { signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); term++; } onquit() { signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); term++; } onhup() { signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); term++; } /* onterm() { signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); term++; } */ tomodes(sp) register struct stat *sp; { register char *cp; for (cp = dblock.dummy; cp < &dblock.dummy[TBLOCK]; cp++) *cp = '\0'; sprintf(dblock.dbuf.mode, "%6o ", sp->st_mode & 07777); sprintf(dblock.dbuf.uid, "%6o ", sp->st_uid); sprintf(dblock.dbuf.gid, "%6o ", sp->st_gid); sprintf(dblock.dbuf.size, "%11lo ", filsiz(sp)); sprintf(dblock.dbuf.mtime, "%11lo ", sp->st_mtime); } checksum() { register i; register char *cp; for (cp = dblock.dbuf.chksum; cp < &dblock.dbuf.chksum[sizeof(dblock.dbuf.chksum)]; cp++) *cp = ' '; i = 0; for (cp = dblock.dummy; cp < &dblock.dummy[TBLOCK]; cp++) i += *cp; return(i); } checkw(c, name) char *name; { if (wflag) { printf("%c ", c); if (vflag) longt(&stbuf); printf("%s: ", name); if (response() == 'y'){ return(1); } return(0); } return(1); } response() { char c; c = getchar(); if (c != '\n') while (getchar() != '\n'); else c = 'n'; return(c); } checkupdate(arg) char *arg; { char name[100]; long mtime; daddr_t seekp; daddr_t lookup(); rewind(tfile); for (;;) { if ((seekp = lookup(arg)) < 0) return(1); fseek(tfile, seekp, 0); fscanf(tfile, "%s %lo", name, &mtime); if (stbuf.st_mtime > mtime) return(1); else return(0); } } done(n) { unlink(tname); exit(n); } prefix(s1, s2) register char *s1, *s2; { while (*s1) if (*s1++ != *s2++) return(0); if (*s2) return(*s2 == '/'); return(1); } getwdir(s) char *s; { int i; int pipdes[2]; pipe(pipdes); if ((i = fork()) == 0) { close(1); dup(pipdes[1]); execl("/bin/pwd", "pwd", 0); execl("/usr/bin/pwd", "pwd", 0); fprintf(stderr, "pwd failed!\n"); printf("/\n"); exit(1); } while (wait((int *)NULL) != -1) ; read(pipdes[0], s, 50); while(*s != '\n') s++; *s = '\0'; close(pipdes[0]); close(pipdes[1]); } #define N 200 int njab; daddr_t lookup(s) char *s; { register i; daddr_t a; for(i=0; s[i]; i++) if(s[i] == ' ') break; a = bsrch(s, i, low, high); return(a); } daddr_t bsrch(s, n, l, h) daddr_t l, h; char *s; { register i, j; char b[N]; daddr_t m, m1; njab = 0; loop: if(l >= h) return(-1L); m = l + (h-l)/2 - N/2; if(m < l) m = l; fseek(tfile, m, 0); fread(b, 1, N, tfile); njab++; for(i=0; i= h) return(-1L); m1 = m; j = i; for(i++; i 0) { l = m1; goto loop; } return(m); } cmp(b, s, n) char *b, *s; { register i; if(b[0] != '\n') exit(2); for(i=0; i s[i]) return(-1); if(b[i+1] < s[i]) return(1); } return(b[i+1] == ' '? 0 : -1); } readtape(buffer) char *buffer; { int i, j; if (recno >= nblock || first == 0) { if (first == 0 && nblock == 0) j = NBLOCK; else j = nblock; if ((i = read(mt, tbuf, TBLOCK*j)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Tar: tape read error\n"); done(3); } if (first == 0) { if ((i % TBLOCK) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Tar: tape blocksize error\n"); done(3); } i /= TBLOCK; if (rflag && i != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Tar: Cannot update blocked tapes (yet)\n"); done(4); } if (i != nblock && i != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Tar: blocksize = %d\n", i); nblock = i; } } recno = 0; } first = 1; copy(buffer, &tbuf[recno++]); return(TBLOCK); } writetape(buffer) char *buffer; { first = 1; if (nblock == 0) nblock = 1; if (recno >= nblock) { if (write(mt, tbuf, TBLOCK*nblock) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Tar: tape write error\n"); done(2); } recno = 0; } copy(&tbuf[recno++], buffer); if (recno >= nblock) { if (write(mt, tbuf, TBLOCK*nblock) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Tar: tape write error\n"); done(2); } recno = 0; } return(TBLOCK); } backtape() { lseek(mt, (long) -TBLOCK, 1); if (recno >= nblock) { recno = nblock - 1; if (read(mt, tbuf, TBLOCK*nblock) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Tar: tape read error after seek\n"); done(4); } lseek(mt, (long) -TBLOCK, 1); } } flushtape() { write(mt, tbuf, TBLOCK*nblock); } copy(to, from) register char *to, *from; { register i; i = TBLOCK; do { *to++ = *from++; } while (--i); } long filsiz(sp) register struct stat *sp; { long size; size = ((sp->st_size0 * FILSIZ) + sp->st_size1); if (dflag) printf("fsiz: %d %u - %D\n", sp->st_size0, sp->st_size1, size); return(size); }