PRELIMINARY Vintage Computer Festival Announcement

From: Sam Ismail <>
Date: Thu Aug 14 02:05:02 1997

This announcement is aimed to inform the members of the classiccmp
community of the plans for the upcoming Vintage Computer Festival and is
not intended for general distribution.

Vintage Computer Festival

The Vintage Computer Festival (VCF) is an event held to celebrate computers
and their history. Due to the incredible pace of computing technology,
computers at least ten years and older are the main focus of this event.

Meet other collectors to trade tips, stories and even computers, hear talks
by notable computer industry figures, attend workshops geared towards the
vintage computer collector, visit the on-site interactive vintage computer
museum. Two days of celebrating the science and technology of our diverse
computer heritage!

Event Highlights

Vintage Pioneer (Featured Speaker)

    TBA - Candidates include Steve Wozniak (Inventor and co-founder of Apple
    Computer), Lee Felsenstein (Inventor of the SOL-20 Computer), Chris
    Espinosa (Legendary Programmer, Apple Computer).

Guest Speakers

    TBA - Candidates include Jodelle French (Curator, Intel Museum), Robert
    X. Cringely (Author of _Accidental Empires_, Producer of _Triumph of the
    Nerds_ as seen on PBS), Steven Levy (Author of _Hackers_), Paul Fridell
    (Designer of IBM 5120), Kip Crosby (President of Computer History
    Association of California)

Vintage Computer Spotlight

    Each year a classic computer is chosen to be featured in the Vintage
    Computer Spotlight. This year, being the 20th anniversary of the
    Apple ][, what else but the Apple ][ will be featured.

    What's more, each year's Vintage Computer Spotlight subject will be
    the grand-prize of the end-of-show drawing. All attendees will be
    automatically entered to win this year's Spotlight computer, an
    original Apple ][ with Integer BASIC ROMS!


A panel of vintage computer collectors will give talks on topics relating to
the hobby of classic computer collecting. Discussions will include:

    Restoration and preservation of old computers - external and internal
    cleaning tips and techniques; basic electronic repair tips; storage
    procedures for the long haul

    Software preservation with a focus on storage tips and techniques for
    the long haul

    Computer Collecting 101 - basic computing skills including operation,
    disk formats, serial communcations basics, how to recognize computers
    and their peripherals

Vintage Computer Museum

    A hands-on, interactive museum featuring many examples of classic
    computing machinery through the years. The exhibit is composed of
    artifacts on loan from the collections of organizations and
    individuals, and will span the course of decades from the 1950s to
    the 1980s.


    A swap-meet style vending area where attendees can shop for old, in
    some cases antique computers, peripherals, documentation and software.
    No IBM clones here, just good old classic computers.

Where and When

    TBA - Tentative dates: October 18-19, 1997

    Venue TBA - Tri-Valley Area, East Bay (San Francisco Bay Area)

    Admission - TBD

Computer Historian, Programmer, Musician, Philosopher, Athlete, Writer, Jackass
Received on Thu Aug 14 1997 - 02:05:02 BST

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