I'd be interested in attending this if it goes ahead, and if anybody is
collecting stats on potential attendance.
At 12:05 AM 97/08/14 -0700, you wrote:
>This announcement is aimed to inform the members of the classiccmp
>community of the plans for the upcoming Vintage Computer Festival and is
>not intended for general distribution.
>Vintage Computer Festival
>The Vintage Computer Festival (VCF) is an event held to celebrate computers
>and their history. Due to the incredible pace of computing technology,
>computers at least ten years and older are the main focus of this event.
>Meet other collectors to trade tips, stories and even computers, hear talks
>by notable computer industry figures, attend workshops geared towards the
>vintage computer collector, visit the on-site interactive vintage computer
>museum. Two days of celebrating the science and technology of our diverse
>computer heritage!
>Event Highlights
>Vintage Pioneer (Featured Speaker)
> TBA - Candidates include Steve Wozniak (Inventor and co-founder of Apple
> Computer), Lee Felsenstein (Inventor of the SOL-20 Computer), Chris
> Espinosa (Legendary Programmer, Apple Computer).
>Guest Speakers
> TBA - Candidates include Jodelle French (Curator, Intel Museum), Robert
> X. Cringely (Author of _Accidental Empires_, Producer of _Triumph of the
> Nerds_ as seen on PBS), Steven Levy (Author of _Hackers_), Paul Fridell
> (Designer of IBM 5120), Kip Crosby (President of Computer History
> Association of California)
>Vintage Computer Spotlight
> Each year a classic computer is chosen to be featured in the Vintage
> Computer Spotlight. This year, being the 20th anniversary of the
> Apple ][, what else but the Apple ][ will be featured.
> What's more, each year's Vintage Computer Spotlight subject will be
> the grand-prize of the end-of-show drawing. All attendees will be
> automatically entered to win this year's Spotlight computer, an
> original Apple ][ with Integer BASIC ROMS!
>A panel of vintage computer collectors will give talks on topics relating to
>the hobby of classic computer collecting. Discussions will include:
> Restoration and preservation of old computers - external and internal
> cleaning tips and techniques; basic electronic repair tips; storage
> procedures for the long haul
> Software preservation with a focus on storage tips and techniques for
> the long haul
> Computer Collecting 101 - basic computing skills including operation,
> disk formats, serial communcations basics, how to recognize computers
> and their peripherals
>Vintage Computer Museum
> A hands-on, interactive museum featuring many examples of classic
> computing machinery through the years. The exhibit is composed of
> artifacts on loan from the collections of organizations and
> individuals, and will span the course of decades from the 1950s to
> the 1980s.
> A swap-meet style vending area where attendees can shop for old, in
> some cases antique computers, peripherals, documentation and software.
> No IBM clones here, just good old classic computers.
>Where and When
> TBA - Tentative dates: October 18-19, 1997
> Venue TBA - Tri-Valley Area, East Bay (San Francisco Bay Area)
> Admission - TBD
>Computer Historian, Programmer, Musician, Philosopher, Athlete, Writer,
Kevin McQuiggin VE7ZD
Received on Fri Aug 22 1997 - 21:18:35 BST