Hello all,
I just spotted this on the austin.forsale news group. I have no
other connection with the guy or the computer. Hope someone can use this.
(Hmm. I hope the UNISYS is > 10 years old ... if not, please excuse me.)
- Mark
From: Scratch <scratch_at_tab.com>
Newsgroups: austin.forsale
Subject: Free computer and Stuff
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 02:47:41 -0600
Organization: Freeside Communications
Lines: 12
Message-ID: <3402982D.689C_at_tab.com>
Reply-To: scratch_at_tab.com
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Xref: coqui.ccf.swri.edu austin.forsale:86491
I am giving away a GE dishwasher, A UNYSIS mainframe computer, printer,
disk subsytem and a old metal school teachers desk (disassembled) and
matching chair to anyone who can come get it out of my garage FREE.
Please e-mail me.
Ron E. Marks
Austin, Texas
Those who know use MACINTOSH...those who don't, call "Tech Support"
Received on Wed Aug 27 1997 - 19:22:20 BST