On Wed, 27 Aug 1997 17:22:20 -0700 Mark Tapley <mtapley_at_swri.edu> writes:
>Hello all,
> I just spotted this on the austin.forsale news group. I have
>other connection with the guy or the computer. Hope someone can use
>(Hmm. I hope the UNISYS is > 10 years old ... if not, please excuse
> - Mark
>I am giving away a GE dishwasher, A UNYSIS mainframe computer,
>disk subsytem and a old metal school teachers desk (disassembled) and
>matching chair to anyone who can come get it out of my garage FREE.
>Please e-mail me.
I was second on the list to pick this up, and had even talked to
my boss and was told I could store it in my office, but only if I snuck
it in on a weekend. The cpu weighs about 400lbs, the printer about
600lbs, and the drive rack w/drives about 1000lbs. I have the means to
pick it up, but only temporary storage, and I doubt I could ever fire it
up. I don't have 220 at my house, or in my office. Since there was
someone ahead of me in the list of people that wanted it, and I haven't
been told to come get it, I assume it's gone to a good home. I was
thinking "would anyone on the list be interested in this monster?" If I
do actually end up with it, I will post it here, and put it up for grabs.
Isaac Davis | Don't throw out that old computer,
Atari nut | check out the Classic Computer Rescue List -
indavis_at_juno.com |
Received on Wed Aug 27 1997 - 22:55:46 BST