Machines on the way to the dump...

From: David Betz <>
Date: Wed Jul 9 12:19:16 1997

David Betz wrote:
> I'm taking the following machines to the dump on Saturday. If anyone is
> within striking distance of Bedford, NH and wants any of these machines
> please let me know.
> TI-99/4a (doesn't work)
> A few TI cartridges and books
> Heathkit H-11 (works)
> Heathkit dual 8" disk drive unit (doesn't work)
> Vector V3-5036 S-100 system (works)
> Vector dual 5.25" disk drive unit (untested)
> VT-100 clone

Well, I really didn't want these to go to the dump. I just figured that
if I said that here I'd be sure to get a response. Almost as soon as I
posted this message I got a phone call from someone offering to pick up
the entire mess. Rest assured that this stuff will end up in good hands.
Thanks to everyone who offered to rescue it. Consider it rescued.


David Betz
(603) 472-2389
Received on Wed Jul 09 1997 - 12:19:16 BST

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