Hello -
I have both. The 990 is in storage, but the 810 is still in use on my pc.
Please remember to include your email address when posting. This will save
some extranous replies.
> Anyone collecting Texas Instruments minis (990 family) and related
> peripherals like OmniŽ 810 Printer?
> Let me know.
> Bye
> §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
> Riccardo Romagnoli,collector of:CLASSIC COMPUTERS,TELETYPE UNITS,PHONE
> AND PHONECARDS I-47100 Forli'/Emilia-Romagna/Food Valley/ITALY
> Pager:DTMF PHONES=+39/16888(hear msg.and BEEP then 5130274*YOUR TEL.No.*
> where*=asterisk key | help visit http://www.tim.it/tldrin_eg/tlde03.html
* John Ott * Email: ott_at_saturn.ee.nd.edu *
* Dept. Electrical Engineering * *
* 275 Fitzpatrick Hall * *
* University of Notre Dame * Phone: (219) 631-7752 *
* Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA * *
Received on Thu Jul 10 1997 - 16:40:49 BST