What Classic Computer are All About - A Lovers

From: PG Manney <manney_at_nwohio.com>
Date: Sat Jul 12 12:18:08 1997

> %but that a 25 _year_ old minicomputer on the same desk was still
> going strong.
> It really depends. No doubt minicomputer HD were reliable, but the
> early MFM stuff for PCs were shitty to work with.

Depends on the HDD. Some (such as the ST-225) were el cheapo products
(cheap at the time, compared with more expensive ones -- I have a 1984
adv't, listing ST-225's at $400; ST-251 at $600!)...IBM's Xybec controllers
were slow, tho' I don't know how reliable.

Some ST-506/412 -- e.g., the ST-225 -- drives lacked autopark heads, thus
inviting problems.
Received on Sat Jul 12 1997 - 12:18:08 BST

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