Atari 400 Frogger help!?!?!

From: Cord Coslor <>
Date: Fri Jul 18 20:54:52 1997

I recently picked up an Atari 400 computer... and have the version of
Sega's Frogger for it. It's on cassette tape, and I am having some
problems loading it. I know some loading commands from a quick look at the
manual, but am still not able to get the tape loaded. I eventually get
errors using three different load types: CLOAD, ENTER "C:", and LOAD "C:"
-- I think these are the three common types of loading procedures. I am
sure this tape is machine language, and am wondering if there are some
special loading procedures for machine language, or this Frogger tape in
particular. I have been successful in loading the other tapes with it,
which are BASIC programs. On Frogger, I get the proper 'beeps' back that
it is reading the tape and then errors that the manual says are bus and
serial inteference that the tape may be faulty. I am wondering if this
might also be due to an inproper loading procedure.

Can any of you help me out!!

Thanks in advance!


|| Cord G. Coslor P.O. Box 308 - 1300 3rd St. Apt "M1" -- Peru, NE ||
|| (402) 872- 3272 68421-0308 ||
|| Classic computer software and hardware collector ||
|| Autograph collector ||
Received on Fri Jul 18 1997 - 20:54:52 BST

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