Some Great deals on AuctionWeb

From: Greg Mast <>
Date: Mon Jul 21 12:15:51 1997

Here's my update for the stuff I'm selling on AuctionWeb. There are a
couple fairly rare items here. I just want to clear stuff out and get
what I can for them so they will sell for the high bid. I recently sold
a few things there really cheap, like in the $1 - $5 range for new Apple
parts so I think overall the prices are down during the Summer.

Anyway, here's the list. Just go to the link shown to bid and get more
info. And drop me an email if you have a question beyond what's in the

Note the Apple Lisa Mouse and Apple III drive!

**Note: I mistakenly listed this as an Apple II mouse when, from a
couple emails, I was informed that it's actually an Apple Lisa Mouse.
There is a picture at the listing.

Old Apple Lisa Mouse! *** PHOTO ***
    Current bid: $15.50
    Auction ends on: 07/25/97, 16:45:54 PDT

Apple III External Floppy Drive **PHOTO**
    Current bid: $7.50
    Auction ends on: 07/25/97, 10:43:32 PDT

Atari 520ST System With Floppy & More!
    Current bid: $8.50
    Auction ends on: 07/25/97, 10:49:56 PDT

Apple IIe 80 Col/64K Expansion Card
    Bidding starts at: $1.00
    Auction ends on: 07/26/97, 16:35:51 PDT

Timex Sinclair 1000 w/16K Module/Software
    Current bid: $6.50
    Auction ends on: 07/26/97, 16:46:22 PDT

Brand New Apple IIe Power Supply!
    Bidding starts at: $1.00
    Auction ends on: 07/26/97, 16:59:52 PDT

Macintosh SE Power Supply!
    Current bid: $1.00
    Auction ends on: 07/26/97, 17:35:06 PDT

Brand New Apple IIe Replacement Keyboard!
    Current bid: $5.51
    Auction ends on: 07/27/97, 19:00:44 PDT

Atari Trackball Controller **photo**
    Bidding starts at: $2.00
    Auction ends on: 07/27/97, 20:34:18 PDT

Also, I have lots more computer stuff in the garage that has to go.
Here's a brief list. I'll be listing everything on the auction in the
next month or so.

Apple IIe (3 ea)
Apple IIc with monitor and power supply
Apple IIe Color Monitor
Apple Imagewriter II printer (3 ea)
Macintosh 512k
Pile of new Apple service parts for Mac plus, Mac II, Apple IIe, IIc,
Imagewriter, more including power supplies, main boards, disk drives and
Apple joysticks and paddle controllers
Commodore 1702 color monitor
Commodore 1541 drive (4 ea)
Commodore 64 in box
Piles of Commodore power supplies and cables, joysticks, etc

Thanks for reading!
Received on Mon Jul 21 1997 - 12:15:51 BST

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