In message <Pine.LNX.3.95.970722091236.4817A-100000_at_walde> Tim wrote:
> I can't speak for everyone, but for some of us the problem isn't that
> PDP-11's aren't "trendy" enough, the problem is space.
I agree, and here in little old England the houses are very small making
the problem greater. I don't have a garage to put big stuff in and my
recently converted loft is already full.
See pictures at:
> I would love to
> have some classic minis, but I'm having a hard enough time storing (and
> moving twice in the past 7 months) my collection of 30-odd micros.
Snap, I love Unix and I would an old PDP to run Unix on, but I don't
have space to keep the PDP kit I already have. My main interests are the
home micros, so recently I have had to make some hard descisions about
passing on the PDP kit I have to other people who can devote more time
to it. (Note: I made this descision a few weeks ago now but still
haven't got around to doing anything about it because I hate the feeling
I get when I think about it, even though I think the things will end up
at a good home.) So if you want some PDP kit and can collect from
Cambridge UK drop me an email.
> So...
> If anyone is willing to give me free storage space in the Saskatoon area,
> I'll drive down to BC and pick up a few of your minis you want to give
> away! (And yes, I'll take an IMSAI too.)
Ah storage... if I could only find cheap long term self storage around
Old Computer Collector:
Received on Tue Jul 22 1997 - 11:06:25 BST