Software For Trade/Want list
Okay, enough hardware, it's time for a software trade list!
Software wanted:
- Apple DOS 3.3
- Apricot F2 DOS
- Cromemco CP/M on 8" for System 3
- Microsoft Adventure (floppy for TRS-80, Apple II or PC)
- Ithaca InterSystems CP/M, any format
- TI 99/4a Disk Manager II cartridge
- Apple /// Apple II Emulator Diskette
- /// EZ Pieces
- Anything for Spectravideo SV-3x8
Software for trade (all freely distributable to the best of my
knowledge; let me know if you know otherwise):
- Atari DOS 2.0a on 5.25"
- Atari DOS 2.5 on 5.25"
- Kaypro II CP/M, WordStar, FileStar, SpellStar on 5.25"
- Kaypro 10 CP/M (can make diskette from HD if needed)
- North Star NSDOS 2.0 on 5.25"
- Jade CP/M 2.2 on 8"
- Computer Chef on 8"
- Infocom "Suspended" and "Starcrossed" on 8" (these work on an 8080
just fine)
- Osborne CP/M on 5.25"
- Macintosh System 1.0 (yes, Apple has posted this)
- TRS-80 Model 100 floppy drive support diskette
Also, while we're talking diskettes, does anyone have a MicroSolutions
CompatiCard or a Copy II Option Board they'd be willing to sell?
Received on Tue Jun 03 1997 - 17:11:49 BST
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