Dead PET for free

From: Richard W. Schauer <>
Date: Mon Jun 9 00:03:39 1997

For those who'd like to know, this machine has been saved from the
dumpster and is in my living room. (I don't think it's so dead- it looks
like a monitor problem to me.) This guy was close enough I drove over and
picked it up this morning, along with a C=4040 disk drive. Can anyone
tell me anything about this, as I am not a Commodore enthusiast?

> I have a C=PET 4016 here that is in a serious state of disrepair. When I got
> it, it wasn't working and I tried to fix it up to no avail. In it's current
> state, it's little more than a big metal & plastic paperweight to me. I'm
> GIVING IT AWAY (You pay S&H) to anyone on one condition: That you try to fix
> 'er up or use the parts to fix another commodore computer. I don't want to
> see this go to the dumpster, folks. It deserves better.

Richard Schauer
Received on Mon Jun 09 1997 - 00:03:39 BST

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