Cleaning Plastic

From: Riccardo Romagnoli <>
Date: Mon Jun 9 19:00:29 1997

At 05:38 09/06/97 -0700, Greg Mast wrote:
> I apologize if this is a repeat question but I can't seem to find the
> previous post.
> What were the solutions to removing yellowing from the plastic cases? I
> bought a printer that looks terrible. Not sure what caused it so any
> suggestions helpful at this point.
> thanks,
> Greg

Hi Greg,

I don't know if this will help you in solving cleaning problems, but here is
my favourite:
I do maintenance and cleaning of computer cases since 10 years (for both job
and passion), and i found it to clean jellow stains (caused by nicotine)
EVEN BETTER THAN TRIELINE (honestly I find it better than anything else for
any kind of dirt exept: paint and ink).
It seems to take away the outer layer of jellowing but is not smelling like
any petrol derived-solvent.
I don't know if you will be able to find it there (AREXONS it's a
multinational company, isn't it?), but here in Italy was introduced 3 years
ago and now you can find it in any detergent shop.

For ink and tape adhesive I use a ISOPROPILIC ALCOOL based product called
TERGITUTTO, but this time the company (Sutter) I'm shure it's Italian only,
so try to find a similar remedy in your town.
Riccardo Romagnoli.
Classic Computer Collector
Forli' - Italy
Received on Mon Jun 09 1997 - 19:00:29 BST

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