Howdy folks:
I am writing this to let you know... if you would like to be mailed a very
complete listing of TRS-80 hardware and software, just e-mail me with your
name and mailing address to This listing costists
of 65 pages and will be sent via 1st Class mail ASAP. If you would like it
even quicker, please send $3 to the address below to cover MOST of the
shipping charges... you would then be 'prioritized'.
I collect all types of TRS-80 hardware and software, and specialize in
games in both original diska nd tape format, as well as converted for use
with modern PC emulators. I have a HUGE collection and would like to share
this with others. I like to think I have 'nearly' every commercially sold
game (and hundreds of others) written for the TRS-80 line of computers. I
also have most applications and DOSs ... all for the Model 1,3,4 as well
as a limited supply of CoCo hardware and software. I also collect for many
other classic systems, including but not limited to: MSX, Colour Genie,
Apple ][, Apple ][e, Apple ][c, Apple ][+, Commodore 64, C-16, Vic 20,
Plus 4, Atari series, Coleco, Sincalire Spectrum, P2000, and Vectrex
All I ask for most of the software is to be compensated for my expenses
(postage, media, etc.) and have very low prices on most of my hardware as
I have accumulated a large inventory over the years and need to clear my
I am also looking for the following items in particular:
1) YOUR classic hardware and/or software. I am always buying and trading
for those item.
2) 80-Micro, TRS-80 Microcomputing News, Computer News 80, and 80-US
Journal magazines, etc.
3) Original manuals, instruction, and game boxes concerning the TRS-80
4) Atari 800 - Atari Artist cartridge. A800LX - RX8053.
Just please remember, I am always buying, selling, and trading for these
hard to find items... even for things not on the above list. If you're
looking for something or have some things to offer... PLEASE let me know.
I simply love the TRS-80 and other classic machines and would appreciate
any help you may be able to provide in expanding my collection. I most
gladly will help you out in adding to your own classic computer or game
machine collection.
Finally, I have ALL my original disk, tape, and cartridge software... for
all systems, converted to run on their respective PC emulators!
Send me your want lists, request for a catalog, or what you have to offer:
via e-mail, United States Postal Service, or give me a call... I look
forward to hearing from you.
Best Wishes,
|| Cord G. Coslor P.O. Box 308 - 1300 3rd St. Apt "M1" -- Peru, NE ||
|| (402) 872- 3272 68421-0308 ||
|| Classic computer software and hardware collector ||
|| Autograph collector ||
Received on Mon Jun 09 1997 - 19:20:54 BST
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