Kaypro 2 For sale

From: Paul E Coad <pcoad_at_crl.com>
Date: Fri Jun 13 15:44:02 1997

Found this in comp.os.cpm. It is on the wrong side of the country
for me.

Saved From The Dumpster Collection: http://www.crl.com/~pcoad/machines.html

Reply-To: Stephen Griswold <stephen.griswold_at_CIRCUITCELLAR.COM>
Sender: CPM-L Mailing List <CPM-L_at_VM.ITS.RPI.EDU>
From: Stephen Griswold <stephen.griswold_at_CIRCUITCELLAR.COM>
Organization: Micromint/Circuit Cellar, Inc.
Subject: fwd: Kaypro 2 For sale
Lines: 28
Xref: nnrp1.crl.com comp.os.cpm:15835

 * Originally By: Calvin Krusen (Local BBS)
 * Originally To: All
 * Originally Re: Kaypro 2 For sale
 * Original Area: General Interest

While cleaning the basement of the company I work for, I found a
Kaypro 2 "portable" PC. Its blue with an integrated 5" green
monitor and two 5-1/4" disk drives. On power up, it tries to boot
from one of the drives and displays a message on the display to
insert system disk.

I'm not looking for any money for it, just a good home.

It weighs about 27 lbs, so you would have to pick up the shipping
from Warrington, PA (just outside Philadelphia).

I'll give one week for responses then it goes in the trash.

Email me direct at ckrusen_at_erols.com or call me at my place of work\
215/343-6600 x122.

Calvin Krusen
Director of Engineering
Warrington, PA 18976
215/343-6600 x122
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Received on Fri Jun 13 1997 - 15:44:02 BST

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