> From: Paul E Coad <pcoad_at_crl.com>
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: Re: Who was in Australia?
> Date: Saturday, June 21, 1997 7:39 PM
> On Fri, 20 Jun 1997, Kai Kaltenbach wrote:
> > Subject: Mint Commodore PET FOR Sale
> > From: "Stephen McCoy and Charmiane Barr"
> > <mrsmrx_at_efni.com>
> > Date: 1997/06/17Message-Id:
> > <01bc7b43$fddee5c0$b8933dcf_at_charmaine>
> > Newsgroups: aus.computers.amiga[More Headers]
> I'll bite on this. How much is one of these worth? I have almost
> zero experience with PETs having only seen 2 in person. What are the
> relative rarities of the various models of PETs? Did they make a
> bunch of them? Are they really common in some places and pretty
> rare in others?
> The ones I have seen are pretty cool looking in a retro-future kind of
> Also note that whois reports that efni.com is in Canada. The machine
> might not be in Australia.
> --pec
> Saved From The Dumpster Collection:
Well I'm in Australia and naturally have emailed mrsmrx_at_efni.com to ask
their location.
Unlike Altair and Imsai, PETs are obtainable here. I have one chicklet
keyboard 4k version, a CBM 3032 and a CBM 8032 hulk. I suspect they will
always be around because they are so hard to destroy. The case is very
solid. I found the "hulk" in a paddock, like some people find ancient cars!
I've never attempted to power this one up though.
Received on Sat Jun 21 1997 - 07:30:11 BST