current wants

From: hellige <>
Date: Fri Mar 14 22:13:51 1997

Would anyone have any of the following and be willing to part with it:

1) Printhead for Commodore VIC-1525 printer, as well as info on any ribbons
that would work in this printer

2) Sinclair/Timex-Sinclair stuff: I was looking through an old Gladstone
Electronics catalog, from Feb. 1983, and noticed they showed a lot of add-ons
for the T/S-1000 and ZX-81, such as speech synthesizers, Centronics and RS232
interfaces, modems, the ZX Printer, and even a disk subsystem. I'd like more
info on some of what was available for these machines, as I never bothered to
buy anything other than the 16k Ram expansion for mine. I used it strictly
for BASIC programming at the time. Also, I'd be interested in picking up a
Timex-Sinclair 2068.

   Btw, thanks to all those that responded to my inquiry about removing magic
marker from the cases.

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   Sinclair 1000, TRS-80 Color Computer-3, and a TRS-80 Model 4.
   Plus Atari SuperPong and Atari 2600VCS game consoles.
Received on Fri Mar 14 1997 - 22:13:51 GMT

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