Zenith Z386-20

From: Christopher Heer <CHEER_at_us.oracle.com>
Date: Thu Mar 20 16:55:03 1997

Captain Napalm sez:

>It was thus said that the Great Christopher Heer once stated:

>> Wow. 72 pin? Are you certain? In any case, ISTR older Zeniths taking proprietary
>> memory.

> Yup. Without any SIMMS, the system just sits there producing vast amounts
>of nothing quite fast. With memory installed, I get the bad CMOS error,
>then vast amounts of nothing quite fast.

Well that's pretty ironclad. I doubt you're having a memory problem.

>> > Then the screen goes blank and the system just sits there, fans spinning.
>> How long? I mean, how long have you let it wait? If it's mis-configured on the
>> hard disk, it could take simply ages to time out.

> Oh, two minutes maybe. Nothing very long.

Let it go longer. Sweartagod I've seen PC's take 15 minutes to error out. Also, if
there's a hard disk controller installed, yank it. It may make it time out faster.
And as someone else mentioned, Zenith was fond of using Ctrl-Alt-Ins as the keystroke
combination to get into setup. Give that a go.
 Christopher D. Heer			ORACLE Corporation 
 Network Engineer III			203 N. La Salle Avenue #2000 
 Work: (312) 704-1676			Chicago, IL  60601 
 Fax:  (312) 726-4635			 
 Email: cheer_at_us.oracle.com		Visualize Whirled Peas
Received on Thu Mar 20 1997 - 16:55:03 GMT

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