Intel MDS (Microcomputer Development System)

From: Dave Mabry <>
Date: Sun Mar 23 16:16:19 1997

A.R. Duell wrote:
> > I have two computer systems that use them (Intellec 800 and Series II)
> > and three sets of controller boards. However, two sets of the
> > controller boards have a failed board each. Anyway, I have one good
> > set, so I can run either system, just not both at the same time.
> I assume it's the same board in each set :-(

Yep. I've gone through many of these at work (in the 70s) and they
always fail the same board. It has lots of analog circuitry on it and I
suspect it is that part of it.

> What's the fault? I have schematics of that controller somewhere, so it
> should be possible to fix the existing one. I have no idea where to find
> the custom multibus interface chip or the 3000-series bit slice stuff any
> more, but unless the same chip has failed on both boards, you might be
> able to make one good one from the 2 dead ones.

The fault is very non-specific. When trying to boot it just returns a
disk read failure. At that point the rom monitor is the only thing in
charge and it is small. I thing it just says "error". I may try it
again so I can be more specific. When we used them at work they were on
a service contract, so I never had to mess with them. Just isolate
which board was bad.

If I get desperate I may try to fix it, but for now with one good set I
can limp along. Don't use them very often, usually just to get files
off of 8" diskettes. I also have the schematics. Thanks for the offer.

Dave Mabry
Great Lakes Maritime Institute Underwater Research Team
NACD           NSS-CDS #42872
Received on Sun Mar 23 1997 - 16:16:19 GMT

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