Computers I have known

From: Jeffrey G. Rottman <>
Date: Mon Mar 24 09:55:36 1997

Well Here goes my list of computers I have owned over the years since
I may miss some, but here goes.

Owned and resold:

Timex/Sinclair ZX-81 and 2068, with Printer
Atari 400, 800, 800XL, Various Drives and Access.
NEC APC with 2 -8" Drives
Epson QX-10, QX 16
Cromemco C-10
Burroughs B??
Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 16
Eagle IIE
Radio Shack Model 3, 4
Coloco Adam
XT Clone with 20 Meg. H. Drive

Still own:
Epson HX-20 (non working battery)
Epson Geneva Px-8
Tandy Model 102, and WP-1 (Word Processor)
Casio PB-700 (Pocket computer with Printer/Cassette Adaptor)
Kaypro 2X, 4
Tandy CoCo computers, 2, 3, Originals, Various Drives and Access.
Tandy 1000 TL-3
Tandy 1000 SL
AT&T 6300
Otrona Attache (2 Nonworking)
Dynologic Hyperion (Portable MS-DOS machine)
Intertec Superbrain QD, (2)
AST Adventure DX2-50
ACER Acros 486DX-33
586-133 Clone machine

The Best and Worst?

Best Keyboards, The Tandy 1000SL, TL-3.
Worst Keyboard - Timex Sinclait ZX-81 and COCO's
Best Support - Kaypro's
Worst Support and Software availability - NEC APC
Wierdest Operating system - Burroughs
Wierdest hardware - Cromemco C-10 (a Monitor Box with Moterboard and
ports, separate drive boxes, and separate keyboard.)
Neatest Hardware design - Televideo (Modern Monitor Style with vertical
Floppies, one on top of another.

Received on Mon Mar 24 1997 - 09:55:36 GMT

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