Computer Listing

From: Captain Napalm <>
Date: Mon Mar 24 09:16:47 1997

It was thus said that the Great Roger Merchberger once stated:
> At 05:54 PM 3/21/97 -0500, you wrote:
> > Uncommon - the less popular machines of an era. Usually
> > have to hunt around, but persistence pays off.
> > Color computers, Coleco Adams and what not
> > fall into this catagory (IMHO).
> >
> > Common - Fairly easy to find. Apple ][s, Amigas would be
> > here (again IMHO).
> Ummm... my intention here is not to flame, but Tandy Color Computers are
> *much* more abundant than you realize, mainly because (and I've learned
> this thru observation and personal experience) that one usually notices the
> most what one owns or has owned.

  I own two Color Computers myself, and I've rarely see them around. The
last few ham fests only a few showed up (the last one I did see two Apple
Lisa's though).

  It might also have something to do with geographical region. PCs are very
plentiful where I live, even the stuff from IBM. Why? Because IBM
developed the PC in Boca Raton, FL [1].
> My point is there was an immense production of the Color Computer (there
> must... I own 3 myself) and in my little town of 14,000, I can name people
> who still own and use them, but the last Amiga I saw in this town was
> almost 10 years ago. Mind you, I'm not saying they're not around... I'm
> saying I don't see/take note of them, because I prefer Color Computers...

  I've only met one other person that owned a Color Computer. But I've met
plenty that have owned and used Amigas. I don't know anyone that hasn't
owned a PC at one time or other. I know a few people that own Macs, but
they also tend to own PCs as well.

  Again, it might be a geographical thing.
> I can give you one bit of information: The Tandy Color Computer line was in
> production longer than any other 8-bit (and some 16-bit) home computer.

  But then why do I keep seeing Apple ][s for sale everywhere? Might it be
that people keep good computers? 8-)

  -spc (Always liked the 6809 over the 6502 anyway ... )

[1] IBM Main Site (which IBM pulled out of last year) is about 25
        minutes (with average traffic) from my house, and about 5 from
        my office. The college I attened is across the street from IBM.
        Go figure.
Received on Mon Mar 24 1997 - 09:16:47 GMT

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