Classic Computer Rescue Squad

From: Ward Donald Griffiths III <>
Date: Sat Nov 8 19:17:54 1997

Daniel A. Seagraves wrote:
> Ehehe... We should build a computer from discrete components, just to
> operate one. And connect it to the Internet. Of course, we'd never
> finish in out lifetimes, and it would fill a room, but it would be awful
> cool!

Does anybody but me remember the Byte cover (1976, I think) of a 4-bit
computer built from transistors, diodes, etc. and wire? (No boards or
anything). There was a followup picture in the magazine some months
later after the cat had knocked it off the desk.
Ward Griffiths
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the
of the last priest."  [Denis Diderot, "Dithyrambe sur la fete de rois"]
Received on Sat Nov 08 1997 - 19:17:54 GMT

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