New Definiton/ Vaporware lives still!

From: HOTZE <>
Date: Mon Nov 17 01:15:04 1997

Speaking of Alpha's, is there any chance that I can put my own together? And I
agree... it's just plain stupid, and I hate Intel anyway... kind of like in the
movie "First Knight" where the former deffender becomes the enemy.... or Darth
Vader....... but still, I am on the side of clone makers, and, for high-end,
DEC. Intel's doing something strange.... I think that the Pentium II is just
something to keep clone makers behind, Intel supporters happy, and anti-DEC
bussinesses a new cause, and is just a "in the mean time" solution to Merced
and the P8 (which I've heard is a LONG ways away)

Allison J Parent wrote:

> <being sold as "outdated". I know managers refusing to buy DEC Alpha's
> <because the Intel Merced chip is supposed to be available in a couple
> <of years - and the first Merced's will be only a bit slower than today's
> <currently available Alpha's. Talk about being blown away by vapor...
> Lessee, wait a few years to get what's available now. Excuse me I must
> be missing something here as doesn't business have to go on in the mean
> time??? Talk about pinning hopes on the sky.
> This is straight out of the early micro years when products would be hyped
> only for the company to go bust before anyone would see it or worse deliver
> it years late and working poorly(sorta like WIN95!).
> Allison
Received on Mon Nov 17 1997 - 01:15:04 GMT

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