On Sun, 16 Nov 1997 jpero_at_cgo.wave.ca wrote:
> Allison wrote:
> >
> SNip!
> >
> > The classic example of this and a conter arguement is the BeeGee Racing
> > aircraft. It was considered a widowmaker, as it nearly or did kill most
> > of the pilots that flew it!. A replica was made and the plane has been
> > flying for several years at airshows and doing remarkable acrobatics...
> > guess what it hasn't killed the pilot. What was lost was that it took a
> > healty respect and some knowledge of design and flight to figure out that
> > it wasn't so much the plane as the pilots that were the problem and they
> > have learned about the flight characteristics of a plane that was deemed
> > unflyable. Not to mention seeing a piece of flying history debunked.
> It was actually the profile of the wing is what caused pilots deaths,
> after that they found that too experimenal so a different profile was
> used instead when that BeeGee became more safer to have. I'm into
> it, just reading up. :)
Quite possibly this was a factor; however, any aircraft so short coupled
as the BeeGee was bound to display a fair degree of directional and
attitudinal instability that would make it a widow maker.
- don
> Snip!
> > With some exception cars and place can be preserved where some parts of
> > computers must be exercised or potentially fail. The other issue is
> > this may not even be a working example at this time.
> Good idea to use them from time to time to keep it happy.
> Especially those capacitors.
> > It's one thing when it's the last one, another when there are more to see.
> True!
> Troll
Don Maslin - Keeper of the Dina-SIG CP/M System Disk Archives
Chairman, Dina-SIG of the San Diego Computer Society
Clinging tenaciously to the trailing edge of technology.
Sysop - Elephant's Graveyard (CP/M) - 619-454-8412
see old system support at
Received on Mon Nov 17 1997 - 01:13:20 GMT