At 01:32 AM 11/17/97 +0000, you wrote:
>Wait a min, why not do more investigating to find out WHY that
>display poofed? I'm curious, is the wirings all good, no cracks in
>"printed ink" flat cables or is it metallic flat cables? There must
>be a inverter to generate bias to make LCD work somewhere either on
>LCD or on mb, did you turn the contrast knob to make sure? This
>adjusts the bias level and could be bad!
This is good advice, but:
>The interconnection
>between actual LCD glass and the PCB is not that hard to take apart
>to clean and easy to align together and screw them back together?
*If* the M100 display is similar to the Tandy 200 display, they are _not
screwed together._ They are held together by a cheap pot-metal bracket with
nothing but tabs pushed thru slots on the LCD controller PCB and then
twisted. You will get 1, maybe two twists on each before they break. These
tabs must be *firmly* twisted to gain enough pressure on the LCD for the
pressure sensitive glass contacts to work.
I had a badly misaligned T200 display that I attempted to realign...
realignment is not as easy as it would seem, and yet on my 3rd attempt it
was *perfectly* aligned. I had all of the tabs twisted back with decent
pressure and it was still holding... then, alas, the *last* tab broke, and
it was close to a corner, easily wiping out 10-15% of the display. It was
already a lost cause so there was nothing to lose, but I speak from
experience -- it's tough to bring these LCD's back from the dead.
If anyone needs more support on T100/102/200's, I run a listserver that can
be e-mailed at
You can subscribe by putting the word subscribe in the *** Subject: ***
line of the message -- not the body... only the subject, and mailing it to:
Need Help? Put the word help in the *** Subject *** line of the message,
mail it to and a helpful message will be
return-emailed to you.
Still to hard? If you have a forms-capable browser, point it to:
and you can subscribe thru the web.
Interested in Tandy 600's? I have a listserver at
as well... replace a 1 with a 6 above and all of the above instructions
will work.
See you there!
Roger Merchberger | If at first you don't succeed,
Programmer, NorthernWay | nuclear warhead disarmament should *not* | be your first career choice.
Received on Sun Nov 16 1997 - 04:34:53 GMT