New Definiton REQUIRED

From: Roger Merchberger <>
Date: Mon Nov 17 15:07:30 1997

Due to massive amounts of caffeine & sleep deprivation,


>> Case in point : Zip drives. I won't use one because no service manual or
>> bit-level description of the disk is available. At some time in the future
>> all the drives will have died. And then there's no chance of ever reading
>> a zip disk again.

>Then we use number to PRESS on Iomega to make it popular item and
>provide specs or crack 'em the secrets. :) ...


>This is what I like about the Zip IDE drives it's a right design like
>the floppy drive machism. But I wished Iomega sell one in SCSI
>version as well which means we have to press for it!

The external SCSI Zip drive was the first one on the market!!! shortly
after, the parallel interface external followed... but it's only a kludged
SCSI I/F anyway... there's a "parallel to SCSI converter" in the drive, and
the software interface only sends SCSI commands thru the parallel port.

IIRC, the internal SCSI and internal IDE came at roughly the same time
(i.e. not too long ago).

I've had a SCSI Zip for 18 months now... but I digress.

Anyone know how to build a simple ACSI to SCSI converter so I can hook one
up to the DMA port on my Atari 1040ST????? ;-)

Roger Merchberger       | Why does Hershey's put nutritional
Programmer, NorthernWay | information on their candy bar wrappers  | when there's no nutritional value within?
Received on Mon Nov 17 1997 - 15:07:30 GMT

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