Coco For "Sale"

From: David Fitts <>
Date: Mon Nov 17 17:56:56 1997


I received your name from Bill Yakowenko.

I have a TRS-8080 Color Computer 2 with mod kit to solve the overheating
problem and memory upgrade. My system also includes a disk drive,
multi-pak interface, cassette recorder, x-pad graphics tablet, deluxe
joysticks, external serial/parallel port interface, X-10 light/appliance
controller, light pen, editor/assembler module and parts for an
experimenter's I/O port. I also have OS-9 and numerous other programs and
very much documentation including all original manuals. Finally, I have
many Color Computer magazines, including almost every issue of Color
Computer News.

I'm interested in finding this equipment a good home at extremely low or no
price other than postage.

I'm not sure what services you provide but if you post messages such as the
above would you please post this? Too, what is your website address?

David Fitts
Received on Mon Nov 17 1997 - 17:56:56 GMT

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