weekend finds

From: Glenn Roberts <groberts_at_mitre.org>
Date: Sun Nov 30 09:33:43 1997

my favorite tv/radio shop again seems to be cleaning out his back room. i
picked up:
        Radio Shack Color computer
        PC Jr + monitor (w/ IR keyboard)
        XT clone
        2 IBM 5151 monitors
        Apple III monitor

which was all i had room for. had to leave behind a cool looking (although
somewhat beat up) IBM Displaywriter system. also lots of TVs, typewriters,
old dot matrix printers, 3rd party EGA monitors, etc.

the only thing i've played with is the PC jr. I used to have the tech.
manual on this puppy but i think I tossed it out some years ago (dumb).
the machine seems to work (IR keyboard and all) but the monitor has a
vertical hold problem (beautiful colors on the monitor though). i'll try
the NTSC out and see how that works.

- glenn

| Glenn F. Roberts, Falls Church, VA
| Comments are my own and not the opinion of my employer
| groberts_at_mitre.org
Received on Sun Nov 30 1997 - 09:33:43 GMT

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