Apple III booting Irregularity
Sounds like just unseated chips, this was very common for this unit, I have
4 myself. Take off the cover and push in all the chips checking for
corrosion. After you remove the top you can remove the motherboard on its
mounting plate from the bottom. If you pull out the titan cards you also
remove the video bios. Unless you have the old chip to replace the chip
the cards are attatched to, you can't boot the machine.
> From: Rob Bedeaux <>
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: Apple III booting Irregularity
> Date: Thursday, September 18, 1997 2:39 PM
> Hi all:::
> Just acquired an Apple III with 256k ram and a Titan III + IIe board.
> When I power it up I get a beep and the ram test begins. After this the
> screeen fills with text, sits for a minute and then goes back to the ram
> test. If I hit the reset button, it will boot up. Is this normal. If I
> tried pulling out the Titan cards, but then it doesn't even get that far
> (Just some hires graphics giberish.) Is the 6502 on the titan board?
> Finally, I read somewhere that you can replace the 6502 on the titan card
> with a 65c02 for enhanced //e support. Any ideas if this is fact or
> fallacy?
> rob
Received on Fri Sep 19 1997 - 21:04:13 BST
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