Installing VMS from RL02s

From: Kevin McQuiggin <>
Date: Wed Apr 1 10:55:51 1998

Hi Seth:

> Try this command:
> $ BACKUP DLA0:[000000]VMS052.B /SAVE_SET DUA0: /LOG
> The /LOG just gives verbose output, which is sometimes nice and
> sometimes not (i.e., if you have a printing console :)

I'll try this as soon as I get home!

> If this doesn't work, you _may_ need to mount DUA0: /FOREIGN,
> like this:

In standalone backup the only valid command is "BACKUP". "Mount" is not
recognized as a valid command (neither is HELP, if they'd added this then
I wouldn't have had to ask on the list!).

> What are the exact errors you're getting? Which device is it
> complaining about?

With a simple backup or backup/image from dla0: to dua0:, it goes for
about 1 minute, copying a bunch of stuff, then complains twice
(paraphrased) Cannot access dla0:vms052.b;1: device not mounted" and
returning to the $ prompt.

> HTH,

Thanks! I'll let you know,


Kevin McQuiggin VE7ZD
Received on Wed Apr 01 1998 - 10:55:51 BST

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