I think your solution is getting a bit too...involved. Yes...overkill.
It is my _understanding_ that the Fotolook "Descreen" function scans the
image at your target resolution but then blurs each channel slightly in
order to eliminate the pixelization (since accurate technical data from
Agfa is *totally* a figment of my rich fantasy life, please realize that I
could be dead wrong on this one)...but I digress.
An easier solution to do your own descreening (sometimes this works better
than the scanner's software), is by scanning at a normal setting (100%
sharpness), at a much higher output resolution (4x)...then blur just enough
to break the reduce the file size to your target resolution
and run an unsharp mask. Beautiful.
I ran a test for a lores cover scan:
1) scanned _at_300dpi, blurred, reduced to 72dpi and unsharp masked @75%
2) scanned _at_72dpi with a descreen set to 175lpi (we print at 150)
Since Fotolook automatically sharpens to compensate for the descreening
loss, scan 2 was oversharpened and contained some artifacting...scan 1 was
note: Another trick is to actually rotate your image on the scanning bed
(like 20? or so) which usually knocks out the moir? long as the
corners don't get clipped. (I think we should return to the regularly
scheduled programming now.)
>Well that was my experience with that particular scanning software but I just
>want to know how they did it so I can reproduce the results in something
>I was thinking if your CCD has 300 DPI and you scan at say, the dot frequency
>of 133 dpi, does it really sample all 300 pixels in an inch and then resample
>downwards or does it just sample the CCD pixel that is closest to the dot
>being scanned? If it does the former, then scanning at 300 DPI and then
>down-converting to 133 DPI in Photoshop should be exactly equivalent; if it
>does the latter, then I would expect really bad results because sometimes the
>CCD element being sampled falls on a screen dot and sometimes it doesn't. In
>reality the dot size is supposed to correspond to the darkness of that color;
>so if you had an optical means to sample the entire "cell" consisting of the
>screen dot plus the white space around it, the whole cell and nothing but the
>cell, then you could get the color right for that cell, but the cells are not
>an orthonormal array; the screens are slanted (and to make matters worse,
>differently for different colors). So I think the optimal solution might be
>to sample at a very very high resolution (many pixels per screen dot), edge
>detect the screen dots, use that information to break up the image into cells,
>average the darkness for all the dots in each cell, use that color to fill the
>entire cell, and then resample that image downwards to the maximum achievable
>resolution (whatever that is). As long as screen dots don't overlap you could
>even do that separately for each color. I don't know if any existing software
>does that. Maybe Fotolook did. Or maybe that's overkill; maybe just a few
>samples per screen dot is enough. But I'm pretty sure skipping any of the
>CCD's available dots is not a good idea, and I don't know if that's what my
>scanner does when I tell it to sample at 133 dpi. (I have an HP IIcx.)
>> Not to ba a prude...but what on earth does this have to do with the
>> discussion regarding the collecting of classic computers? Archiving?
>Not much but it is at least an interesting tangent isn't it?
>(Sorry if we're boring anybody.)
> _______ KB7PWD _at_ KC7Y.AZ.US.NOAM
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Received on Thu Apr 02 1998 - 16:41:37 BST