Max Eskin wrote:
> [Autocad not requiring math coprocessor]
> Well, version 12 for Dos, which is what I have, seems to require it.
> It refuses to start up, quitting with "80x87 required, but not
> present". Whoever said it doesn't, maybe you have a lower version.
> If so, which and what's it like? I would certainly be interested in
> an older version, such a 7 or 8.
There used to be some either shareware or commercial ware that would
trick the system into thinking there was a mathco installed, at either
the 8087 or 80287 level. I used to run an older AutoCad and Lotus with
it and while it didn't speed anything up it also didn't slow it down.
You might check, Download.Com, Jumbo.Com, etc for it.
Someone posted a Big Blue archive site a while ago that might have it
too. At least for testing anyway. Mathcoprocessors themselves are very
inexpensive anymore but this allows you to at least check it out.
Russ Blakeman
RB Custom Services / Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
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Received on Mon Apr 06 1998 - 20:27:07 BST