Warning! You might get something different from what you have bidded for. I did.
Cord Coslor wrote:
> Go to:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=10391784
> to get in on the bidding for a 128k TRS-80 Model 4 computer.
> --
> ___________________________________________________
> | Cord G. Coslor : archive_at_navix.net |\
> | Deanna S. Wynn : deannasue_at_navix.net | |
> |---------------------------------------------------| |
> | http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/4395 | |
> |---------------------------------------------------| |
> | PO Box 308 - Peru, NE - 68421 - (402) 872- 3272 | |
> |___________________________________________________| |
> \____________________________________________________\|
Enrico Tedeschi, 54 Easthill Drive, Brighton BN41 2FD, UK
Tel/fax(+01273) 701650 (24 hours) and 0498 692465 (mobile)
please visit my website at: <http://www.brighton-uk.com>
Received on Tue Apr 07 1998 - 02:43:17 BST