Well, I finally got around to looking at the terminal PC that came with
the Cadnetix workstation. Turns out it's a pretty kick-ass Sperry 286
PC/IT, with some nifty stuff. A Genoa 4850 video card, which my info says
can display 800x600, an SIIG FK3459 I/O board, a Rybs Electronics HicardAT
memory board, a WDC 1002-WAH HD controller and 20meg HD, and a net card to
boot. It also has 1 meg on the board and the math coprocessor installed as
The little bit I could find on the video card claims that it uses a
multisync monitor. It has the two rca jacks and a db-9; how do I wire an
adapter for db-9 to hd-15?
BTW, I also got a couple hundred 5 1/4 floppies with it, including 2
complete sets of SCO OpenWindows 1.0.0.y; anyone want one?
Received on Tue Apr 07 1998 - 04:37:33 BST
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