NOS Bare Boards: What to do?

From: Russ Blakeman <>
Date: Sat Apr 11 20:53:41 1998

Bill Yakowenko wrote:

> One other thing, before soldering stuff onto that board, make a copy
> of it. (Do photocopiers make decent prints of bare boards?) Once
> a board has chips soldered onto it, it can be a pain to figure out
> which things connect to what. Having a bare-board print could help
> a lot in reverse-engineering the schematic (although I suspect there
> are still MP-A schematics to be had out there). And who knows, you
> might someday want to clone that board.

I've found that the best way to make a dupe of the board is to set it on a
full page scanner, in line art mode. Adjust the "gamma" and
contrast/brightness as needed to get a good black error-free copy. You can
even use it to make photopostives using the transparency film they make for
copiers. This gives you an exposure film when using photosensituve printed
circuit board.

I've done the same to make replacement boards where the original was
chemically or physically damaged on radios, vcr's, etc...
 Russ Blakeman
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Received on Sat Apr 11 1998 - 20:53:41 BST

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