On 12 Apr 98 at 15:08, David Wollmann wrote:
> At 12:57 PM 4/12/98 PDT, you wrote:
> >Does anyone have an ESDI hard drive for a PS/2 Model 70? I have a
> >60, but want to replace it with a 120 (the other size the PS/2 came
> >with; I don't want to risk having an incompatible hard drive). I
> >don't know if others are compatible. However, this is a wide single
> >ribbon connector.
> >
> >______________________________________________________
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> >
> PC Assist shows two drives compatible drives, the 60 and 120MB, both ESDI
> Direct Bus Attach, MFM encoded. This applies to models A61, A21, B61, B21.
> I wonder though if there aren't other ESDIs out there that will work as
> long as they're DBA? You might check with MicroHaus (sp?) to see if they
> have any larger cpacity NOS drives that will work. Just a shot in the dark.
Further to my earlier note :
Here's a quote from some correspondence I had from Peter Wendt
"' These "Integrated Harddisks" you most likely meant were used in Mod. 50, 55,
70 and P70. These are ESDI-drives with a combined electronic board underneath,
which is in fact a full MCA-adapter. The device has a Card-ID DF9F. In IBM-
technoslovakian this thing is called "DBA Harddrive", where DBA stands for
"Direct Bus Attachment". Size are 30,40,60,80,120 and 160MB. A 200MB was
available from Conner for some time but not as original part or OEM from IBM.
Very friendly greetings from Peter in Germany
"Master Of Desaster" - PS/2 expert since 1987 (Sigh !) ""
IIRC it was also possible to add other non-OEM drives. Check with Peter.
cxiao larry
Received on Sat Apr 11 1998 - 20:24:36 BST