On Apr 14, 23:22, Tony Duell wrote:
> > On Apr 14, 0:40, David Williams wrote:
> > > You can see pictures of it on my web site on the AT&T 6300 page
> Having a text-only machine here, I can't see the pictures, alas...
There's a lot of brown/grey corrosion on the top surface near the terminals,
and not a lot else visible on the PSU itself, though it looks like there's some
on the base of the computer case around the PSU.
> > wipe off any excess WD40, though.
> I _hate_ WD40... It's far too easy to misuse and causes too many
> problems.
I prefer WD40 to machine oil for electricial connections, but I have to agree
with Tony that it's very easy to misuse. It should be supplied in
micro-syringes, not spray cans, IMNSHO. Or only available on prescription,
perhaps. That's why I said to be sure to wipe off the excess.
And WD40 should be kept away from moving metal parts. It's sometimes useful as
a plastic anti-squeak lubricant, but definitely not for metals. I use
CLP-BreakFree for that :-)
> and light machine oil. Start with (UK) 600 grit, end with 1000 grit, at
> least. I'd clean the screw terminals with dry 600 grit paper and then
> contact cleaner.
I've seen contact cleaner seriously misused too. Some types leave "a light
film" behind -- if you use a little, once. I once had to fix a BBC Micro with
faulty ROM sockets; the owner had repeatedly fed it contact cleaner until it
was swimming in the stuff. ISTR cleaning most of it off with 1,1,1-TCE and
then washing the board in Teepol (industrial grade/laboratory detergent) before
it could be attacked with a soldering iron.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Dept. of Computer Science
University of York
Received on Tue Apr 14 1998 - 21:03:02 BST