PS/2 SCSI question

From: Russ Blakeman <>
Date: Sun Apr 19 13:47:51 1998

Bruce Lane wrote:

> Yeppers. I've seen the special IBM cable for it (it is proprietary to
> IBM). It has a mate for the oddball that takes it out to a standard
> Centronics-style 50-pin.
> You can still buy the cable from IBM, but it'll run you about $60.

Thanks, I'll look between what Dave and you have given me. This is the first time
I've ever considered usuing the external connector on one so it's the first time
I've even looked to see that it's an oddball.

 Russ Blakeman
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Received on Sun Apr 19 1998 - 13:47:51 BST

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