< On Fri, 31 Jul 1998, Seth J. Morabito wrote:
< > A few years ago, I heard a rumor bandied about somewhere on Usenet tha
< > BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit, a rail system running around some of th
< > San Francisco Bay) was, even to this day, controlled by pdp8/e systems
< >
< > Can anyone lend any credibility to this rumor? Any chance of scoring
< > some PDP8 equipment if they decide to upgrade their system sometime so
Below is the header for a program to do several things. A contact, it
make be severely dated and verification.
This was gotten off one of the PDP-8 archive sites, it was over a years
ago so I've forgotton which one though I know most are still there.
below the program header is further information on PDP-8s from PDP8-lovers
/* */
/* Program: PAL (BART version) */
/* File: pal.c */
/* Author: Gary A. Messenbrink <gary_at_netcom.com> */
/* */
/* Purpose: A 2 pass PDP-8 pal-like assembler. */
/* */
/* PAL(1) */
/* */
/* NAME */
/* pal - a PDP/8 pal-like assembler. */
/* */
/* pal [ -d -l -p -r -x ] inputfile */
/* */
You can get information about the pdp8-lovers mailing list by sending an
email message to pdp8-lovers-info_at_zach1.tiac.net or by sending email to
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You can get the most recent version of the PDP-8 FAQ from: