- (fwd) Computer Non-Profit Suspends Operations
- (no subject)
- 1.2Mb floppy as RX-50?
- 11/04 free;
- 1984 (OT)
- 2400 modem question
- 3M Model 7500 plotter and a story
- 400k floppy drive
- 8" flops
- <sigh> Sorry 'bout that...
- [Fwd: Old APF Imagination Machine wanted]
- [Fwd: Old plasma display]
- a2 power supplies
- ADDS Mentor M2000?
- adds to collection
- Allison famous in Singapore!
- Altair - A different perspective
- Altair 8800
- Altair Attache?
- Altair Attache??
- Altair insanity
- Altair mania!
- Altair prices
- Altair prices (part deux)
- Altair prices!
- Altair prices)
- Altair sale/use
- altair/was: Ebay & Ethicacy ponderings
- Amiga Support
- Another Altair up for Auction
- Another Altiar up for Auction
- Another Carlos album
- Another TK50z Question
- Another trip to Temple
- Another XTA choices for oddball systems.
- Any tips on servicing Marchant calculators?
- Anybody want this stuff?
- Anybody want to part with...
- Anyone heard of an "Informer"?
- Anyone know of a decent free BASIC for Unixes?
- Anyone Want mac roms?
- Apollos in St Louis
- Apple ///
- Apple ][europlus or //e printer
- Apple IIgs Rom 0 Available?
- Apple III & Profile
- Apple III & Profile)
- Apple III (last one, I swear!)
- Apple TechStep CPU Tests
- Archive board
- Atari 400 power requirements
- Atari 800 carts
- atari800xl
- Ataris
- Attache Altair 8800??
- Attention Collectors . . .
- Attention DEC fiends
- ATTN: Douglas Salot
- Back from the wild east.
- Back! I'm back...
- Back! I'm back... (now WinNT hit-and-run)
- Barcode readers?
- BART and PDP8's?
- Bell Labs CARDIAC found!
- Bob Supnik's emulator
- Bob Supnik's PDP-11 Emulator
- Boot Disks for Northstar Advantage
- Booting up and LSI 11/23
- Burroughs 205
- Burroughs 205 and LIS
- Burroughs TD-700?
- C128 Stuff
- C64 for $800
- C64 for $800)
- cable modems
- Cable needed
- Calculator/abacus
- car computers
- catch of the day!
- CBM B500
- Charging batteries
- Cheap Computing
- Cheap cp/m machines on EBay
- Classic Mags (was: Shame, shame, shame)
- CLASSICCMP digest 496
- Cleaning RL02 Packs
- Commodore 64 Returns - NOT!
- Commodore 64 Returns???
- Commodore Select HD 40
- Commodore Vic 20 power sup
- Compaq
- Compugraphics tech info needed
- Computer Games
- Computers in the movies...
- Conner HD's stickums: portable Mac HD probs.
- Copy II PC Deluxe Option Board
- Data General
- DEC 3100/m38 FS:
- DEC TU-58 Drives
- DECserver
- Deja vu
- Denver finds
- Denver Finds -- still avail
- DLV11-F Cable
- Dos 2.1 and 2.11
- Dos v2.11
- Dos v2.11 apology
- DOS2.11
- DQ614 and other Q-Bus questions
- Driver Needed
- DS200 and some other DEC stuff...
- Early Micros
- Ebay & Ethicacy ponderings
- EDT editor - ports available?
- Email problems
- EMS/XMS memory driver needed
- Emulators
- ET-3400 ROM adapter
- Fixing a PDP-8 cover
- Floats (was: Shame, shame, shame)
- For Trade: 11/24 CPU and 512k Unibus Memory Card
- Free 11/04 System
- Free CoCo3 to good home
- FS Mv2 parts
- Fun with an image editor...
- Fwd: Apple IIgs Rom 0 Available?
- Gah! Imsai's come out of the woodwork!
- Gemini Galaxy 2
- Got a MicroVax II - Configuration
- GRC 11/X3 (PDP 11/?? Clone?) in Brisbane
- Hard drive adapters
- Harris computer/ Nighthawk
- Heads up: (almost) FREE Solaris!
- Heath H-89 in Austin, TX
- Help on my MicroVAX 2000
- Help with value of IBM RT-6150
- Help...?
- here's a Lisa/Apple /// resource
- hey
- Hi, MS Softcard
- HP9100A
- I dont think my plea ever made it to the list...
- I'm Back!
- IBM odd IDE (44 vs 40 pins, 46 vs 44 pins)?
- IBM System 32 stuff...
- IEEE488 card available
- IMSAI disks
- IMSAI part needed
- Imsai Vdp 40
- In search of working XT IDE drives
- In the "I have my suspicions" dept.
- Jerry Pournelle Parody
- Kaypro 2X found
- Kaypro 4 for trade
- KIM/MOS-Tech
- laptop batteries/power adapters
- laptop IDE drives & homebuilt connectors...
- Laser 3000
- Last chance: Free Printwheels
- latest version of Bob Supnik's emulator
- LCD Panels
- Leave
- Lisa 2 conversion from Mac XL
- Lisa 2 coversion from Mac XL
- Lisa battery leakage??
- Lisa hard drive repair
- Lisa II operating software
- Lisa II parts
- Lisa II/"whats the matter with my Lisa?"
- Lisa info web site
- Lisa questions
- Lisa Tools Deserialization
- LISA: Ah nuts...
- Logical Disks and RT-11
- Looking for Info: EMULEX CC02
- Looking for parts...
- Looking for S-100 Systems
- looking for...SYQUEST 270
- Mac floppy drive question
- Mac Portable batt ch arger))
- Mac Portable batt charger
- Mac Portable batt charger)
- Macintosh SE questions.
- Macs, IBM systems, roms, etc etc...
- Manual Freebies
- Mathatron & other stuff
- Mathatron, 9100, 9830, etc.
- Maybe off-topic: low/no cost Soft-ICE for x86
- MCA ethernet cards
- Memorex Telex 286 Info Needed
- Memorex Telex update
- Mentec License for Emulators
- Microcomputer Digest
- Microsoft Word Easter Egg
- Microsoft Word Easter Egg)
- Military Auctions Web Page
- Millennium Microprocessor Dev. System
- Mindset disks
- Minor Tektronix success story.
- MIT flea address/info (eastern MA USA).
- MIT Flea Haul
- MIT flea,
- MITS Altair "Minidisk"
- MITS, wasEbay & Ethicacy ponderings
- MKS Toolkit
- Monitors
- More finds saved from the trash
- more info on ancient tape
- more info on systems....
- More tape drive stuff..
- MOS Tech. KIM-1 Manual
- MSNBC article on online auction fraud
- My Retirement...
- My Web Site
- Name this chip
- name this keypad
- Near disaster and questions on finds
- Need info: Data I/O Tape Perforator
- Nerd Rats
- New acquisition
- New Arrival
- New Finds
- New toy!
- New toys :)
- NewFinds
- No subject
- Northstar, Anyone?
- notebook parts sources
- odd ball scanner
- Odd Q-Bus questions 18/22bit
- Odd Q-Bus questions 18/22bit)
- oddball scanner
- Off for a few days...
- Off-topic informational anti-spam anecdotal
- Oh heck it booted
- old computers
- old laptop
- old magazine
- old magazines
- old modems & a packet switcher
- Old VAX hardware for sale
- On the brink of bidding...IMSAI
- On-Line Garage Sale
- Online auctions
- OT: Alphastation 200 4/233
- Outbound Laptop
- Parallel-IDE interface for CP/M
- part identification
- Parts is parts (not scanjet stuff)
- Pascal Micro Engines
- PC-68K
- PDP 11/44 system available
- PDP rescue in UK, footwork needed
- PDP-11 Update
- PDP-11/34a - RL02 Help
- PDP-11/34A: Identify board?
- PDP-8 memory stack (fwd)
- PDP-8(?) as boat anchor
- PDP-8/L - fire hazard?
- PERQ (was: Apple III & Profile)
- PET 4016
- Philips XT with 768K
- Philips XT with 768K/heat
- Plus 4 schematic -> whom?
- Plus/4 Power Supplies
- Plus/4 Power Supply
- Power adapter question
- Power supply NEEDED
- ProcTech SOL & Trek80
- ProcTech SOL & Trek80 - yo, Bob Wood!
- prototyping (was OT: BLAM...)
- PS/2 Items FS
- Punch cards (again)
- Q-Bus 18-Bit to 22-Bit wirewrap?
- Q-Bus Backplanes
- Question about DHQ11-Ms
- RA81
- Radio Shack Model 1 info
- Rails needed
- Rare Tandy 1400???
- Recent Updates: Highgate's PDP-8 Page
- Recovering Data from damaged RL packs
- RED ALERT! Mainframes Available - Vancouver BC!
- Restoring a wet Osbourne 1
- RL01/RL02 Pack Question
- RL02 Drive Transportaion Questions
- RSX-11M v4.1
- RT11 Ver. 4 manuals wanted
- S-100 mania
- S-100 RAM Card
- SE Questions
- Seagate drive search over in record time.
- Sega AI Game Computer
- Setting-up RX02
- SGI 4D/380
- Shame, shame, shame
- Shame, shame, shame)
- Sinclair ZX-80 first Sinclair kit?
- SMD Interface Drives
- Sol terminal computer
- Someone Looking for Help
- Sorry!
- Speaking of New Aquisition....
- Strange MITS ad.
- Stupid RSX-11M questions
- subscribe
- Suggested additions to PDP11 instruction set :)
- Sun-1 Tape Drive Part II
- Sun-2/100U The Next Chapter
- Switched on Bach
- Taking care of magazines
- Tandy 1000 EX in El Paso
- Tandy 1000 HX
- TCP/IP for RT-11
- TCP/IP for RT-11 (Part 2)
- Teeny Tiny Jumpers
- Teeny Tiny Jumpers (reprise)
- Tektronix 4052 instruction set
- Thanks...
- The battery problem
- The New MORBBS
- This Week's Haul
- This Week's Haul)
- TI Silent 700
- TI99: ftp sites
- Tips needed to repair Apple color composite monitor
- Tony - SOL docs and MIT flea market
- Tony - SOL docs and MIT flea market (fwd)
- TOPS for PC, from sun
- Toshiba MK134FA-I hard drive
- Transputer documentation required
- Trip to Austria/Hungary
- Troubleshooter Software (offtopic)
- TRS-80 Hard drives (was:Cable needed)
- TRS-80 Pocket Computer questions....
- Twin cities get together
- Twin Cities: mac acquire
- Tyop
- Upcoming rescue
- Update on Mac Run
- uVax Question
- VAXstation 3100 Model 38 and Peripherals
- VCF mentioned in UK newspaper
- Vint. Comp. Ann. / WANG WLTC First laptop w/ printer?
- Vintage Calculators
- Vintage Computer Festival Announcement
- vlb ethernet...
- VT100 w/Q-Bus Backplane
- VT100s (was: Odd Q-Bus questions 18/22bit)
- VT103 spotting...
- Wanted: APF Imagination Machine
- Wanted: Commodore Plus/4 Power Supply
- Wanted: Macintosh Portable
- Warning: Teac FD-55BV-16-U
- We have a PDP11/44 Available
- Web Page Generator
- Weitek "Multibus Array Processor" board
- What I picked up from the ebay auction
- What the hell is a NightHawk 5800?
- Which track was least reliable?
- Wierd Stuff web site?
- WinNT hit-and-run
- Wrapping Boards in Foil
- WTB PDP-11/03
- WTB: 486 notebook (reasons , see below)
- WTB: Hard Drives
- WTB: OLD Cd-Rom
- WTB: SCSI drive
- Wyse terminal modes
- Xebec Controller and DFV-11A Controller
- Xpost: HP item help wanted
- Xpost: PET 2001 FS and Micro Craft info needed
- xyzzy?
- Yamaha system question
- your mail
- Zenith time manager software FS
- Zenith ZWX-248-62 items - Cheeep
- Last message date: Mon Aug 31 1998 - 23:48:06 BST
- Archived on: Fri Oct 10 2014 - 23:30:46 BST